White House Barometer: Trump not gaining momentum in polls
The US elections not only concern the global political scene but also global markets. Ahead of the critical elections to be held in November, there have been very hot developments in US politics. The first televised debate between current president Joe Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump opened the doors to a new era. Biden’s poor performance led to his withdrawal from the race and after a while Kamala Harris joined the race as the Democratic candidate. In the meantime, political violence escalated and Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt with a minor wound. All the while, the US public’s preferences fluctuated. This was also reflected in the election polls. In Bloomberg HT’s ‘White House Barometer’, you will find the expected vote rates of the two candidates in the data set of Real Clear Politics, which compiles all election polls day by day. You will also see the critical developments of the election process along with the details of the prominent election polls.
ABD seçimlerine geri sayım devam ederken, ABD kamuoyunda adaylara yönelik eğilimler de netleşiyor.
ABD seçimleri için birçok kurum anket gerçekleştirirken, Real Clear Politics aralarında New York Times ve Wall Street Journal’ın gerçekleştirdiği anketler olmak üzere birçok anketten örneklem alıyor ve bunun ortalamasını gün gün yayınlıyor.
Bloomberg’in de dikkate aldığı anket ortalamaları küresel piyasa aktörleri tarafından da yakından takip ediliyor.